Progress Update on Collecting Information on Arkansas and Mississippi Advertisements

This week, we used the Stanford Named Entity Recognition program to find the newspapers in the Mississippi ads corpus. We had to break up the corpus into several different files because the original text was too long to run in the NER at the same time. By breaking it up into 9 different files, we found 12 different newspapers that were tagged as organizations: the Vicksburg Register, the Natchez Courier and Journal, the Memphis Enquirer, the Louisville Journal, the Cincinnati Gazette, the Port Gibson Correspondent, the Southern Argus, the Alabama Journal, the Woodville Republican and Wilkinson Weekly Advertisor, the Southern Tribune, the Fayette Watch Tower, and the Mississippian State Gazette. We then searched for the number of occurrences of these newspaper titles in the original Mississippi ad corpus. The numbers below are inflated because we still have not figured out how to remove the footnotes. Most search results contained occurrences in footnotes, but most had too many to manually count and remove.

Newspaper Title Number of Occurrences
Vicksburg Register 502
Natchez Courier and Journal 70
Port Gibson Correspondent 158
Southern Argus 39
Woodville Republican and Wilkinson Weekly Advertisor 51
Southern Tribune 2
Fayette Watch Tower 18
Mississippian State Gazette 26

The following newspapers were merely mentioned and not actual newspaper entries: the Memphis Enquirer, the Louisville Journal, the Cincinnati Gazette, and the Alabama Journal. It seems that other newspapers were reprinting advertisements from these newspapers. From these numbers, it also seems that the Port Gibson Correspondent has a similar number of advertisements as we have collected from the Texas Telegraph and Register from the same time period.

During our Wednesday discussion, it was brought up that there are about 150 ads in the Texas Telegraph.  With 244 ads in the Arkansas Gazette, we have two sources relatively similar in size that we can make comparisons between.  However, it was also pointed out in class that there are also different kinds of ads in these sources.  With the inclusion of notices by jailers or sheriffs, these sources are a mix of different aspects of runaway advertisements.  This raises the analytical issue of whether these should be differentiated between.  If the sheriff’s ads are considered distinctly different, then they should be filtered out through identification of keywords like “sheriff” in the text.  However, if sufficiently similar content is available in both types of ads for our purposes (descriptive words, location information, whatever we’re mining for) then they could be allowed to remain in the data set, leaving us with a larger sample size.

Historiographical Essay Rough Draft 2

Not much research has been done on slavery in Texas. John Hope Franklin and Loren Schweninger’s Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation, one of the most comprehensive projects on runaway slaves in the South, does not even include Texas in the data or analysis, but rather implies that slavery seems to be relatively universal throughout the South. Randolph B. Campbell opened the discussion of slavery in Texas through his book An Empire for Slavery: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1821-1865, but agreed with Franklin and Schweninger on the similarities across the country. William Dean Carrigan, however, took another position in the chapter on Texas in his book Slavery and Abolition: he argued that slavery in Texas (specifically in central Texas) was unique from that in other Southern states. However, the lack of information on the topic indicates the need for additional research in order to reach a more definitive conclusion.

Why would Texas be different from other states? Since Texas was the frontier of plantation agriculture, many diverse groups interacted with the slaveholders and their slaves. Mexicans (to the south) and Indians (to the north and west) increased owner fears and possibly runaway occurrences as well. The proximity of Mexico and the absence of a fugitive slave law there made it a more desirable runaway location than the North, which was still impacted by fugitive slave laws. The presence of Indian tribes just on the outskirts of the plantation culture provided another possible refuge for runaways. Although not all Indians were friendly to runaway slaves and although the proximity of Mexico did not necessarily result in increased runaway occurrences, both of these factors could have contributed to the culture of slavery in Texas. In addition the lower population density and wooded terrain of central Texas were possible advantages for runaways.

These factors not only framed the diversity of options available to runaways but also impacted slaveholders’ perceptions of their slaves. How did slaveholders react to the many runaway possibilities? Did they treat or perceive their slaves differently? Or were Texas slaveholders essentially the same as slaveholders in any other state? Runaway slave advertisements allow a glimpse into these perspectives through the language they use to describe the slaves. These advertisements were prevalent throughout the South prior to the Civil War, and are thus an important historical resource for historians. Our project will compare Texas advertisements (from the Houston Telegraph) with those from other states in order to contribute toward a more comprehensive view on slavery in Texas.

In order to accomplish this, we will utilize various digital tools. The term “digital history” addresses two different perspectives: using digital tools to discover new information and using the digital to present those findings. By exploring different methodologies, we may be able to benefit historians as a whole by contributing to future ways of working with data. In addition, we are interested in the digital presentation of history: what are the various benefits and disadvantages of each method? The basic essay format is only one of many ways of presenting information, and other genres provide unique perspectives on the same argument. These explorations will contribute to both the historical and the methodological in the context of Texas runaway slaves and the digital humanities, allowing our research to stretch beyond the specific into future possibilities of genre and method.

Wednesday Recap

Today in class we stepped back for a moment to think about the various methods we could use to compare runaway ads from different states. Our current, still subject to change job is to build a site that would compare different methods for answering the question: "Were Texas runaway slave ads different from slave ads in other Southern states?"

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Historiographical Essay Rough Draft

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Not much research has been done on slavery in Texas. John Hope Franklin and Loren Schweninger’s Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation, one of the most comprehensive projects on runaway slaves in the South, does not even include Texas in the data or analysis, but rather implies that slavery seems to be relatively universal throughout the South. Randolph B. Campbell opened the discussion of slavery in Texas through his book An Empire for Slavery: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1821-1865, but agreed with Franklin and Schweninger on the similarities across the country. William Dean Carrigan, however, took another position in the chapter on Texas in his book Slavery and Abolition: he argued that slavery in Texas (specifically in central Texas) was unique from that in other Southern states. However, the lack of information on the topic indicates the need for additional research in order to reach a more definitive conclusion.

Why would Texas be different from other states? Since Texas was the frontier of plantation agriculture, many diverse groups interacted with the slaveholders and their slaves. Mexicans (to the south) and Indians (to the north and west) increased owner fears and possibly runaway occurrences as well. The proximity of Mexico and the absence of a fugitive slave law there made it a more desirable runaway location than the North, which was still impacted by fugitive slave laws. The presence of Indian tribes just on the outskirts of the plantation culture provided another possible refuge for runaways. Although not all Indians were friendly to runaway slaves and although the proximity of Mexico did not necessarily result in increased runaway occurrences, both of these factors could have contributed to the culture of slavery in Texas. In addition the lower population density and wooded terrain of central Texas were possible advantages for runaways.

These factors not only framed the diversity of options available to runaways but also impacted slaveholders’ perceptions of their slaves. How did slaveholders react to the many runaway possibilities? Did they treat or perceive their slaves differently? Or were Texas slaveholders essentially the same as slaveholders in any other state? Runaway slave advertisements allow a glimpse into these perspectives through the language they use to describe the slaves. Through the utilization of various digital tools and comparison of the Texas advertisements (from the Houston Telegraph) with those of other states, we hope to contribute an additional facet to the debate on slavery in Texas.


Measuring Document Similarity and Comparing Corpora

This past week, Alyssa and I have been looking at ways to quantify similarity of documents. We are doing this in the context of comparing Texas runaway slave ads to runaway slave ads from other states. Thanks to the meticulous work of Dr. Max Grivno and Dr. Douglas Chambers in the Documenting Runaway Slaves project at the Southern Miss Department of History, we have at our disposal a sizable set of transcribed runaway slave ads from Arkansas and Mississippi that we will be able to experiment with. Since the transcriptions are not in the individual-document format needed to measure similarity, Franco will be using regex to split those corpora into their component advertisements.

The common method to measure document similarity is taking the cosine similarity of TF-IDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency) scores for words in each pair of documents. You can read more about how it works and how to implement it in this post by Jana Vembunarayanan at the blog Seeking Similarity. Essentially, term frequency values for each token (unique word) in a document are obtained by counting the occurrences of a word within that document, then those values are normalized by the inverse document frequency (IDF). The IDF is the log of the ratio of the total number of documents to the number of documents containing that word. Multiplying the term frequency by the inverse document frequency thus weights the term by how common it is in the rest of corpus. Words that occur in high frequency in a specific document but rarely in the rest of the corpus achieve high TF-IDF scores, while words that occur in lower frequency in a specific document but commonly in the rest of the corpus achieve high TF-IDF scores.

Using cosine similarity with TF-IDF seems to be the accepted way to compute pairwise document similarity, and as to not reinvent the wheel, we will probably use that method. That said, some creativity is needed to compare corpora as a wheel, rather than just two documents. For example, which corpora are most similar: Texas’s and Arkansas’s, Arkansas’s and Mississippi’s, or Texas’s and Mississippi’s? We could compute an average similarity of all pairs of documents in each pair of corpora.

Just as a side-note, if we solve the problem of automatically transcribing individual Texas runaway ads, we could use cosine similarity and TF-IDF to locate duplicate ads. Runaway slave ads were often posted multiple times in a newspaper, sometimes with minor differences between each printing of the advertisement (for example, in reward amount). We could classify pairs of documents with a cosine similarity score greater than a specified threshold as duplicates.

We could also use Named Entity Recognition to measure the similarity of corpora in terms of place-connectedness. Named Entity Recognition is a tool to discover and label words as places, names, companies, etc. Names might not be too helpful since, as far as I have been able to tell, slaves were usually identified just by a first name, but it would be interesting to see which corpora reference locations corresponding to another state. For example, there might be a runaway slave ad listed in the Telegraph and Texas Register in which a slave was thought to be heading northeast towards Little Rock, where he/she has family. The Arkansas corpus would undoubtedly have many ads with the term Little Rock. If there were a significant number of ads in Texas mentioning Arkansas places, or vice-versa, this is information we would want to capture to measure how connected the Texas and Arkansas corpora are.

Demo run of Stanford's Named Entity Tagger on an Arkansas runaway slave ad

A simple way we could quantify this measure of place-connectedness would start with a Named Entity Recognition list of tokens and what type of named entity they are (if any). Then we would iterate through all tokens and, if the token represents a location in another state in the corpus (perhaps the Google Maps API could be used?), increment the place-connectedness score for that pair of states.

We also explored other tools that can be used to compare text documents. In class, we have already looked at Voyant Tools, and now have been looking at other types of publicly available tools that can be used to compare documents side by side. TAPoR, is a useful resource that lets you browse and discover a huge collection of text analysis tools from around the web. It contains tools for comparing documents as well as for other kinds of text analysis. As we move forward with our project, TAPoR could definitely be a great resource for finding and experimenting with different tools that can be applied to our collection of runaway slave ads.

TAPoR provides a tool from TAPoRware called Comparator that analyzes two documents side by side to compare word counts and word ratios. We tested this tool on the Arkansas and Mississippi runaway advertisement collections. This sample comparison already yields interesting results, and gives an idea of how we could use word ratios to raise questions about runaway slave patterns across states.

These screenshots show a test run of the ads through the TAPoR comparator; the Arkansas ads are Text 1 and the Mississippi ads are Text 2. This comparison reveals that the words “Cherokee” and “Indians” have a high relative frequency for the Arkansas corpus, perhaps suggesting a higher rate of interaction between runaway slaves and Native Americans in Arkansas than in Mississippi. Click on a word of interest to get a snippet of the word in context. Upon looking into the full text of ads containing the word “Cherokee”, we find descriptions of slaves running away to live in the Cherokee nation, or running away in the company of Native Americans, slaves that were part Cherokee and could speak the language, or even one of a slave formerly being owned by a Cherokee.

However, after digging into the word ratios a little deeper, it turns out that uses of the word “Choctaw” and “Indian” are about even for Arkansas and Mississippi, so the states in the end may have similar patterns of runaway interaction with Native Americans. Nevertheless, this test of the Comparator gives us an idea of the sorts of questions it could help raise and answer when comparing advertisements. For example, many of us were curious if Texas runaway slaves ran away to Mexico or ran away with Mexicans. We could use this tool to look at ratios of the words “Mexico” or “Mexican” in Texas in comparison to other states.

Collecting information about Mississippi and Arkansas Advertisements

Daniel and I have been working on looking more closely at the advertisements from Arkansas and Mississippi digitized in the Documenting Runaway Slaves project. Using regular expressions, we are cleaning up the text files in Text Wrangler to remove unwanted information, such as footnotes, extra dates, and page numbers. Our goal is to find out how many total ads there are for each state, how many ads there are in each particular newspaper, and how many ads there are between the years 1835-1860. Below is our progress divided by state.

Arkansas Advertisements – Daniel

By using regular expressions to search for individual dates for ads and separate them into individual text files, we were able to identify 457 separate ads for Arkansas.  Within this subdivision, searching the years of the groups narrowed down the pool of ads to 324 within the range of 1835-1860.

Uploading the text to Voyant Tools, I was able to use the ResoViz tool to identify the different organizations in the ads.  This gave a strong pointer towards which newspaper titles occur most frequently within the base of ads.  Searching for these in the text in Text Wrangler, I was then able to count how many occurrences there were with the “Find All” feature.  This search found 272 occurrences of the Arkansas Gazette.  28 of these were overcounted due to mentions in footnotes (which we were unable to remove from the PDF).  Removing these left an adjusted count of 244 runaway ads in the Arkansas Gazette from 1835-1860.  A similar search revealed the runner-up publications of ads to be 35 ads by the Washington Telegraph during this time, and 31 by the Arkansas Advocate.

Mississippi Advertisements – Kaitlyn

First, I removed the extra date headers by using the regular expression #1, posted as a gist on my github account. Then, I removed the page numbers by using regular expression #2. That’s when I started seeing some issues in how the text copied over from the PDF file I downloaded from the Documenting Runaway Slaves advertisement. As shown in the picture below, I discovered that every time a superscript (such as th, st, or nd) is used, the text does not copy over in the correct order.

As you can see on line 342, the text abruptly cuts off right where the th superscript should be, and the rest of the text that follows is now placed on line 351. The superscript has been placed on line 341 (or line 347 — both contain “th”). The superscripts for numbers were not used consistently throughout the document, so it is not a consistent problem for all of the advertisements. It also poses more of a problem when we start using the advertisements for analysis.

One other problem I discovered is that some of the dates in the [date Month year] format is that some of the lines end in a period, some do not have a period, and some have bracketed edited information. Therefore, I had to use regular expression #3 to figure out how many advertisements the document contained. I found 1633 matches, which was about four times as many as we found from Arkansas. I additionally used regular expression #4 to figure out how many advertisements we had from the period of 1835-1860, and I discovered 1060 matches. There possibly could have been a more effective way to do this, but I think I was able to find them all using that expression.

I am still working on figuring out how to remove all of the footnotes. The footnotes do not seem to have any similarities between them except for a number at the beginning of a line, so it is difficult to remove them without removing advertisement information as well. Additionally, I will use ResoViz to see how many advertisements we have from each newspaper as Daniel did with the Arkansas ads, but because there are too many ads collected from Mississippi to analyze them all at the same time using Voyant, this task is taking longer than I originally thought it would.

Progress Report for Introductory Historiographical Essay

My project involves writing an introductory explication detailing the background of runaway slave research in Texas. After I finished re-reading the chapters by Campbell and Carrigan, I outlined a basic structure for the essay, included below:

  1. An introductory paragraph, including a hook to grab interest (comparison of descriptions of October 1835 slave rebellion by Campbell and Carrigan) and information about the work that has been completed on Texas up to this point
  2. Present a general overview of the argument that Texas is the same as other Southern states, then transition to a more specific focus on the spectrum of reactions to slavery (submission, rebellion, and somewhere in between).
  3. Categorization of various types of runaways (long term, toward family, to woods, habitual)
  4. Present a general overview of the argument that Texas is unique, addressing the issue of how it would differ (in its process or in the overall result). Introduce the central concept of Texas as a frontier on multiple levels (western frontier of plantation agriculture, surrounded by multiple cultures).
  5. Address the impact of the proximity of Mexico on slavery in Texas, discussing Mexico’s fugitive slave policy in contrast to that of the North, the increase of fears in slave holders, the slightly higher number of runaways (both from Texas and outside of Texas), and the impact of the prevalence versus the climate of slaves and slave holders
  6. Discuss Indian interaction with slaves, specifically the blessing and curse aspect of their relationship
  7. Touch briefly on the slave rebellions
  8. Specify that many of the arguments made were from the perspective of central Texas, and include information about the terrain, low population, and greater freedom of resource
  9. Carrigan’s conclusion of the process as different but not the outcome. Differences become more similar with increased military control and increase in white population. Overall, climate was different because slaves had increased opportunities for running away, and thus had more leverage with their owners.
  10. Possible causes and differences discussed in class, such as Texas before and after its entrance into the Union
  11. Conclusion: more research is necessary on runaways in Texas

The structure may change slightly after writing it. Currently, I do not envision using many specific examples and will probably focus on generalizations. I plan on completing a rough draft of the background information by Wednesday, but in the meantime, I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on my current outline!

Progress Report #1 Tasks

As indicated on the syllabus, your first Progress Report on our class project is due this Monday, March 17, by the end of class. The progress report should take the form of a correctly formatted, hyperlink-rich post to this blog. Each group needs to make only one post, but you should work together on the post and will be assigned a grade on the report as a group. Note that the report needs to show your progress, even if you haven’t yet completed all the tasks assigned to you. The groups/tasks we assigned last Monday are as follows, but keep in mind that groups and tasks will shift as we move forward.

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Don’t Forget …

Just a quick reminder that our primary assignment for this week is to transcribe the unique advertisements that you found for your assigned year in Homework #2. I’ve decided that during class tomorrow we’ll just make time to start tracking down leads for the group assignments made on Monday, so please bring your laptop computer if you have one.

Some Text Mining Resources

Today in class I briefly mentioned TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) as a possible way for us to identify "give away" words that might appear more frequently in a particular document. Here are some introductory explanations of the method:

And here’s a cool visualization experiment using TF-IDF made by Tim Sherratt, who also made the Real Face of White Australia and Headline Roulette sites shown in class today.

I also mentioned Named Entity Recognition in class; this is the same library used by the Rezo Viz tool that Daniel and Alyssa showed us in their Voyant Tools presentation. It may be possible for us simply to use Voyant as an interface for NER and export a list of place and person names from our ads, but we need to look into this further.