JSON Examples and Links

If you’d like to look more closely at the JSON examples discussed in class, here are the exhibits from the handout. To test their validity, you can copy each one to your clipboard and paste it into the JSONLint site and click on "Validate." You may also want to take a look at the JSON specification page that I had up on the screen.

If you still feel a bit lost with these examples, don’t worry; we will spend more time clearing up confusion on Friday and throughout the next week. The point of these exercises is to show some of the challenge that comes from representing information that is interesting to humanists in formats that computers can more easily digest. On Friday, we’ll also talk about the arguably more challenging task of deciding what information we want to represent!

These are the other links that were discussed today:

Finally, after today’s lightning-quick introduction, you may be interested in knowing why historian Ian Milligan thinks that JSON rocks.

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