Up Next: Video Chat

Next Thursday, we will be having dinner together, followed by a video conference with several special guests. Click below to find out more about them!

Cameron Blevins (@historying) is a Ph.D candidate in history at Stanford History working on spatial history and text analysis. He blogs at historying.

Jeremy Boggs (@clioweb) is Design Architect for the Scholars Lab, a digital scholarship center at the University of Virginia. He is also ABD in the department of history at George Mason University, where he formerly worked at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media.

Jason Heppler (@jaheppler) just started a position as Academic Technology Specialist in the history department at Stanford, and is a Ph.D candidate in history at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, where he served, among other things, as project director for the William F. Cody Archive and contributed to the Digital History Project. The author of a Ruby guide for historians and several articles on Gradhacker, he also likes coffee and turned me on to the Aeropress. (Thanks, Jason!)

Annie Swafford (@annieswafford) is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of English at the University of Virginia, where she was a 2011-2012 fellow in the Praxis Program, a hands-on course designed to train graduate students in digital methods. You can read some of her posts for the project here.

Jeri Wieringa (@jeriwieringa) is a Ph.D student in history at George Mason University, studying religious history and digital methods. She recently participated in a programming for historians graduate course taught by Fred Gibbs known as clio3. In addition to designing her own project on mining data from hymns for the course, she wrote several tutorials on the methods she used, including one on Beautiful Soup that helped get me going in my own adventures in learning to program.

I encourage you to read through the sites of these fabulous people who have volunteered to speak with us, and jot down any questions you may have for them. During our video conference, I plan to ask them a few prearranged questions about how they got into digital history, what they are doing now, and how their graduate programs were (or are) structured, but then the floor will be open for your questions. Be prepared to talk!

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